Locked Badges
Informed Citizen
Civically Smarter than 60% of Americans
Supreme Civics Champion
- Earn the Amendments badge by watching 75 unique Civics Fundamentals videos.
- Earn the Articles badge by watching 50 unique Civics Fundamentals videos.
- Earn the Articles of Confederation badge by watching 15 unique Civics Fundamentals videos.
- Register on the Civics Fundamentals Website
- Earn the Constitution badge by watching 25 unique Civics Fundamentals videos.
- Earn the Declaration of Independence badge by watching 5 unique Civics Fundamentals videos.
- Earn the Well-Informed Citizen badge by taking and passing (with a 70%!) the final test.
- Earn the Library of Congress badge by watching all 100 unique Civics Fundamentals videos.
- Earn the Mayflower Compact badge by watching 1 video.